Dry Massages

Sport(Deep Tissue) Massage

55 min / $100
85 min / $155
110 min / $210

Sports massage is a full-body massage. This includes your back, neck, shoulders, and legs. This massage soothes pains and reduces fatigue by boosting the balance of body muscles.

* Free spa admission

Meridian(Oil) Massage

55 min / $100
85 min / $155
110 min / $210

Qi, which is a Chinese word that is translated as “energy”. Meridians are where the Qi flows. Meridian Massage stimulates the acupressure points using various techniques to helps clear any blockage and balance the flow Qi, and blood in the meridians.

  • Improves immune system and reduces respiratory tract issues
  • Diet massages. Helps to stay young
  • Eliminate toxins

*Free spa admission

Lymphatic Drainage Massage (Only for LADIES)

55 min / $100
85 min / $155
110 min / $210

The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues. Some health conditions can cause lymph fluid to build up. Lymphatic drainage massages can benefit people with lymphedema, fibromyalgia, and other conditions, which can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system.

* Free spa admission

Back Massage

30 min / $55

This massage soothes pains and reduces fatigue by boosting the balance of body muscles and the flexibility of joints, and helping the Circulation of energy.

Foot Massage

30 min / $55

By stimulating acupoints in the feet, it is effective for tired and swollen feet. It also helps with the correction of body posture.

Back + Foot Massage

55 min / $100

*Free Spa Admission

Benefits of Using the Spa Rooms – Before or After the massage

JJ Spa provides various rooms with healing and beneficial properties. The positive results are even more effective when used after getting acupuncture treatment. Service length will vary to allow for sanitization in between appointments.

  • Earth Room: Yellow soil raises body temperature, and through the continuous emission of artificial fever, it promotes physiological functions of the body. Also which has the power of purification and resolution, eliminates toxins from the body.
  • Charcoal Room: The effect of charcoal is the antioxidant benefit and restoration of the body.
  • Salt Room: Mineral salt has natural anion with excellent anti-biotic and sterilizing power.